Today I went to Katherine's favorite store in a mall at 79th street called Ford City. This was my first excursion to the South side and it was nothing like I had heard or expected. This experience totally demystified any ideas I had had about it. The mall felt a lot like Toronto's Dufferin Mall.

I went with my friend Naufus and it took quite a long time to get there. It took an hour and a half both ways. Chicago is huge and the south side is huge and I found it interesting how all the stereotypes one hears are in fact not true. I felt totally safe and comfortable. The mall was quite diverse. Im really glad i experienced it for myself rather than listening to all the bullshit i hear in the news and from other people. I didnt want to video tape much because I felt that it was exploitative and I didnt want to act like a tourist. I guess the stereotypes I heard were that the south side is all black which is not true its predominantly but its also very diverse.It reminded me a lot of Toronto. the mall was totallymiddle class. not really expensive but not cheap. People we asked for directions were really nice. parts that we passed by bus were run down but it wasnt so bad. I wish it was closer to where I livedso it didnt take all day to do one activity. and Katherines favorite store Charlotte Russe was awesome. I loved the clothes there. I bought a t-shirt with music notes on it and wanted to buy a t-shirt that said" I had a night-mare that I was blonde." i love that.

I interviewed one other guy who I got in trouble cuz he was working. i hate managers in stores and how they always have to have control. i remember feeling so angry and repressed in those situations. This kid named Patrick told me his favorite place was a park on 63rd(i video taped the conversation for the exact location). its where he goes to unwind or when he is stressed he goes there and sits on a specific bench. I have to create a still of it from the video so it will go up soon. noone should listen to what they hear until they experience it for themselves.
good story!!
hi sarah!!!! very true-
do not judge what you don't know!!!
sarah, this is a great idea for a project! i hope it is still going well. keep working!
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